Tabasco Lahren Says The Wakanda Forever Hashtag Is ‘Just Like The KKK’

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VALLE DE PUTANA RACISTA, CALIFORNIA — Today right-wing firebrand commentator Tinseltown Lahren told listeners of her new podcast that she was “angry, pissed off, and also mad” about a new hashtag she saw on Twitter last week.

“What’s with this #WakandaForever nonsense? Now all the libtard snowflakes are gonna worship a fake BLACK country instead of bowing down and praising the United Republican States of America,” Lahren asked with incredulity. “I’m sorry, but that’s just wrong. And frankly, I don’t see any difference between the Wakanda Forever movement and the KKK.”

The hashtag #WakandaForever has seen several prominent African Americans use it to promote the film Black Panther. Because it has been an absolute smash hit at the box office, many have seen the film as a watershed moment for the country, as up to this point Hollywood studios have often been shy about putting as much of their clout behind action films starring black actors as the ones starring white actors.

Wakanda Forever is a statement of support for the film, but also for the idea of what Wakanda is — a fictionalized African country that is far more advanced than any other nation on Earth. It’s a become somewhat of a rallying cry, but it’s largely one of celebration of the film, and of black culture. However, Tubetop says that the “close ways Wakanda Forever mimics the Ku Klux Klan” are too big to be ignored.

“First of all, the KKK has people in it, and people also use the Wakanda Forever hashtag. Is that a coincidence to you? If it is, you’re prolly a snowflake,” Lahren said. “Second of all, do you think they’d be super happy about a #WhitesForever hashtag? Of course not! And that right there is the liberal hypocrisy of it all — lifting up minorities and letting the powerful majority be just fine on their own.”

Tibia said she is using all her connections in the Trump administration to demand a full-scale federal investigation into #WakandaForever.

“You know George Soros is behind this. And if he isn’t, Killary is. And if she isn’t, her husband Bill is,” Timbale told her audience. “And if he’s not doing it, Obama is. And if Obama isn’t, I’m sure someone in the Democrat party is. So I’m right, one way or the other.”

To date, Black Panther has broken into the top 10 highest grossing domestic films of all time.

Satire can also be found on The Pastiche Post and The Political Garbage Chute.

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